Home 5 Centres 5 St Francis Xavier’s OSHCare, Manunda


St Francis Xavier’s OSHCare, Manunda

Care services: Before School, After School, Vacation

Our service prides itself on being a place where children feel safe, comfortable and confident whilst having the opportunity to engage in social and physical play, both before and after school.

St Francis Xavier’s Outside School Hours Care supports the child’s physical, emotional, social and spiritual needs in a safe and caring environment.

Our service recognises the importance of child-led learning and recreation. The National Framework for School Age Care, My Time Our Place, guides our practice. We offer recreational experiences, both age-appropriate and child-initiated that challenge and support the uniqueness of each child.

We welcome, consider and value open discussions and feedback on all issues relevant to the service’s operation. We acknowledge, celebrate and incorporate the multiculturalism and diversity of our community, thus widening the child’s view of the world.

We work in partnership with families to support their role as the primary caregivers and principal educators of their children.

We strive to be a place of much fun and laughter.

Jennifer Williamson
Nominated Supervisor

Contact me

M: 0418 196 614
E: oshc.manunda@ccelc.catholic.org.au

Get in touch with us.

Contact Info

M: 0418 196 614


St Francis Xavier’s School

5 Atkinson Street, Manunda

P.O. Box 201

Cairns Qld 4870

Opening Hours

Before School Hours
6:30am to 8.30am
School Term

After School Hours
2:50pm to 6pm
School Term

Vacation Hours
7am to 6pm
Closed over the Christmas and New Year period

Centres Contact Form

Service Approval Numbers:

SE-00001968     BSC: 45     ASC: 135     VAC: 135