Home 5 Centres 5 St Therese’s OSHCare, Bentley Park


St Therese’s OSHCare, Bentley Park

Care services: Before School, After School, Vacation

Our OSHC is a fun place to be!

Our Staff:

The children attend OSHC as Preps and continue to attend our Centre through their growing years. Some return to say “hello” to us through their years of High School. This speaks volumes for the care and nurturing our staff provides to each child and the strong commitment they have to their work.

Our Children:

Our children enjoy the fabulous resources we have at their disposal. They have the freedom to make choices of planned or unstructured experiences or create their own inquiry focused environment with the support of educators.

Our children absolutely love their afternoon tea – sometimes checking in at Before School Care to establish what we are serving in the afternoon!

We gaze from the sidelines as friendships are formed and endure the test of time.

They come to us for reassurance, for comfort, for security, for encouragement and sometimes just to share a joke and a laugh.

Our Centre:

We embrace and respect cultural diversity and endorse a mutually favourable partnership with all our families and the wider community.


Colleen Trosser
Nominated Supervisor

Contact me

M: 0438 219 584
E: oshc.bentleypk@ccelc.catholic.org.au

Get in touch with us.

Contact Info

M: 0438 219 584


St Therese’s School

135 Robert Road, Bentley Park, 4869

PO Box 201, Cairns, 4870

Opening Hours

Before School Hours
6:30am to 8:30am
School Term

After School Hours
2:50pm to 6pm
School Term

Vacation Hours
6.30am to 6pm
Closed over the Christmas and New Year period

Centres Contact Form

Service Approval Numbers:

SE 00001251     BSC: 135     ASC: 135     VAC: 135