Home 5 Centres 5 St Andrew’s OSHCare, Redlynch


St Andrew’s OSHCare, Redlynch

Care services: Before School, After School, Vacation Care

Our service delivers an inquiry-based learning approach to support our educational program which provides children with opportunities to develop their physical, emotional, social, intellectual and spiritual needs. Our team create meaningful experiences for your child while in our care. The children’s interests, strengths and needs are a focus to ensure we foster inclusion, creativity and exploration.

Educators encourage individuality and independence and scaffold the children to learn and develop life-long, practical skills. Educators foster children’s learning and fun through spontaneous play. We look forward to providing your family with the highest quality innovative and engaging education and care experience.

Liesl Paxton
Nominated Supervisor

Contact me

M: 0409 588 832
E: oshc.redlynch@ccelc.catholic.org.au

Get in touch with us.

Contact Info

M: 0409 588 832


St Andrew’s Catholic College

Intake Road, Redlynch

PO Box 150 Redlynch, 4870

Opening Hours

Before School Hours
6:30am to 8:30am

After School Hours
2:40pm to 6pm

Vacation Hours
7am to 6pm

Closed over the Christmas and New Year Period.

Centres Contact Form

Service Approval Numbers:

SE-00001245 BSC: 30   ASC: 135   VAC: 135